Rendang is a dish which originated from the Minangkabau or West Sumateraof Indonesia. Rendang is a traditional dish using coconut milk and beef as main ingredient and is equipped with pepper, onion, turmeric leaves, lime leaves, galangal and other spice. The cooking process takes hours (usually about four hours) to dry and solid black. The longer the rendang is cooked it will taste more delicious and the colors will be more black and will increasingly dry. Although rendang is a traditional Minangkabau cuisine in general, each area in Minangkabau has different cooking techniques and use of spice. Rendang in West Sumatera is mostly cooked with firewood. Its famous for “Randang Tungku”. Randang tungku has a distinctive scent and taste more delicious. Rendang is cooked with stovein a shorter time and the coconut milk has not dried up called kalio, a light brown golden color. At room temperature, rendang can last for weeks.
In Minangkabau, rendang is served in various traditional ceremonies and special occasion. Rendang also served during Eid Al-Fitr and especially during Eid al-Adha. Not apart from that, in Riau as a province that is adjacent to West Sumatera,rendang has become one of the favorite daily food and also serve for special occasion.We can find a ‘Restoran Padang’ everywhere that provides rendang. Even ready-to- use rendang seasoning is available on the market. Its spice can use to make rendang at our own house and even bring its as stock for outside area. Not only known in its place of origin, West Sumatera or Minangkabau, but rendang has become a food that is loved by most people of Indonesia. The history,ingredients and reverence of rendang are as rich and savoury as the dish itself.
Because of that, rendang can be found in Padang Restaurant around the world. This cuisine is popular among the people of Indonesia and countries in Southeast Asia, suchas Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines, and Thailand.In 2011, rendang was crowned as the first ranked dish in the list of World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods (50 World’s Delicious Cuisine) held by CNN International.The delicacy of rendang is highly dependent on the use of coconut milk and thequality of meat. Its combination of coconut milk and meat is the main ingredient toproduce rendang. However, this large amount of coconut milk can have side effects for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol. So stay vigilant in its delicacy.
The origins of rendang come from Sumatera, especially West Sumatera or Minangkabau. For the Minangkabau community, rendang has existed long ago and has become a traditional cuisine. As a traditional cuisine, rendang is always presented ineveryday food and traditional events. Rendang also become food that is presented specifically for the feast.Because of the delights and specialties of rendang, then this cooking art evolvedinto other cultured, Malay Cultures; ranging from Mandailing, Riau, Jambi in part of Sumatera, Indonesia to Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia that many inhabitants of Minangkabau origin. That’s why rendang is widely known in both Sumatera and the Malay Peninsula. Although the taste of the place of origin should be more delicious.
Rendang increasingly famous and widespread beyond its original territory thanks to the culture of wandering Minangkabau tribe. Minangkabau people who go to wander many open ‘Restoran Padang’ throughout the archipelago, even extends to neighboring countries and even to the continent of America, Eropa, and others. It is this restaurant that introduces rendang and other Minangkabau dishes extensively. Also, foreign tourists who visit Indonesia especially to West Sumatera should make rendang as their favorite food. Which makes rendang known to everyone overseas. Its stories about the delicacy of rendang makes them curious to try it when visiting Indonesia.
A mix of rich, cultural heritage and tropical spices has created the complex-tasting dish of rendang. Its popular reputation continuing to reign supreme. Finally,rendang indeed deserve to become a favorite food. Its more deliciously eaten with riceand boiled cassava leaves. This makes saliva melt even just imagine it.
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